Ma lihtsalt pean jagama seda näoraamatust leitud postitust (originaal siin). Ma ei hakka tõlkima, sest seda saab kergelt brauseri abil teha. Annab ajajoone, mis ja kuidast täpselt on juhtunud, et Kanada ja USA olukord on selline nagu ta on. Jah, suure tõenäosusega ei lähe päris sõjaks, aga nagu ühe Kanadas pelgupaiga leidnud ukrainlase kõnest selgus, siis tal on täielik deja vu tunne, täpselt nagu oleks Ukrainas ja kuuleks idanaabri kaagutusi (minu väljend). Vähemalt kinnitas minu enda tunnetust, sest hakkasin samamoodi seda olukorda võrdlema, kuigi vahel oli tunne, et ma ehk mõtlen üle.
Ja nii kuis nimetasin, et pommid ilmselt lendama ei hakka, siis eks meil Baltimaades on tuttav olukord, kus “vabatahtlikult palusime ühinemist” idanaabri suure liiduga. Täpselt sama vastik tunne on mul sees. Isegi kui tõele au andes poleks olukord nii hull nagu nõuka võimu all. Nagu Toomase hiinlasest töökaaslane ütles, et parem USA kui Hiina. Aga veel parem oleks, kui Kanada jäetaks rahule!!! Ilmselgelt soovib lõunanaabrite peakaalikas (vabandust, mulle tegelikult meeldib kaalikat süüa, aga ma ei taha enam ta nimegi suhu võtta, täpselt nagu pu puhul) minna ajalukku meie ühendajana ning kõigi meie maavarade ja vee kindlustamisega USAle (deja vu?!).
Lõpus on veel natuke postituse vastukaja. Palju ameeriklasi tunneb meile kaasa ning saab aru, kui absurdne kogu olukord on. Aga küllalt palju on ka neid, kes ülbelt meid alla neelata tahavad, sest me ei ole ju mingi riik (olen seda liiga palju somes näinud)! Mina küsin, mis piirini me siis peame minema, et üks maa on riik ja teine ei ole. Sinna piirini, mida üks suurriik õigeks peab?!? Mõni proovib kogu asja tollide probleemile veeretada, aga see pole üldsegi kõige suurem küsimus. Seda on varemgi (ebaedukalt) proovitud. Põhiline viha ja mure põhineb ikkagi retoorikale, et Kanada võiks osariik olla. Sellepärast jätkasime ka Kanada toodete eelistamist isegi siis, kui tariifide sisseviimine edasi lükati. Ning tõenäoliselt jätkame veel aastaid, ükskõik, mis meid ees ootab (välja arvatud muidugi see kõige halvem variant).
Ja veel… ikka liigub lugusid “headest venelastest” ja mis ukrainlased sellest arvavad, täpselt selline tunne on mul hetkel ka “heade ameeriklaste” peale mõeldes! Ma ei arva, et see tunnetus on sama sügav, mida me praegu üle elame siin siiani nii turvalises riigis, kus kõik alati ehk ei lähe just nii nagu tahaksime ja ootame. Lõpuks on see ikkagi meie oma riik, kus saame ise kõik asjad lahendatud! Loomulikult on kõigi toetavate sõnade ja sõnumite saamine suurepärane, annab mingit kindlustunnet, aga teisalt tahaks nii väga ka tegusid näha!!!
Ma tean ka, et mõni mõtleb, mis meil siin paanitseda, ning võtke rahulikult. Et suurem osa ameeriklasi ei mõtle nii. Praeguseks vist tõesti, sest osale on kohale jõudnud, milline kaalikas neid valitseb. Aga suurem osa ameeriklastest andis ju hääle sellele samale kaalikale!!! Nägin just ühte väikest intervjuud tugeva hispaania aktsendiga naisega, kes valimiskampaania ajal kaalikaga poodiumil oli ja karjus, kuidas ta armastab tulevast juhti. Nüüd on tal pisarad silmis, sest neile valetati! Eks neid õnnetuid ole teisigi, kes nüüd juba piiri taha saadetud, ja kui mitte ise, siis vähemalt mõni sugulane või tuttav, kellel tegelikult on siiani olnud õigus USAs olla.
(Ma pole sellest täpselt aru saanud, aga mingi programm on vist lõpetatud, mis tähendab, et lastena USAsse tulnud elanikud peavad käima korraks üle piiri ametlikku templit saamas, muretsedes, et kas neid ikka tagasi lastakse. Ka üle kahesaja tuhande Ukraina põgeniku seisab silmitsi olukorraga, et nad on ametlikult tulnud, aga nüüd on antud kuu aega lahkumiseks…)
Minu mõtteterade lõpp. Nii imelik on samas mõelda, kuidas ma Kanadas elades väga tugevalt eestlaseks end pean, aga praeguses olukorras on löönud täielik kanadalane minus välja. Aitäh kõigile üle ilma, kes mõtlevad Kanadale, ja on ühinenud USA toodete boikoteerimisega (eriti veel kõik need ameeriklased, kes samamoodi proovivad seda nii palju jälgida kui võimalik). Vähemalt väikegi protest toimuvale. Ma oleks viimase kui ühe välja naernud, kui nad oleks öelnud, et kunagi lehvivad loosungid: We Stand with Canada!
One thing I've learned over the past few weeks, and it's been a bit of a sobering lesson, is that a lot of Americans I know don't actually know what's going on between the US and Canada right now, and just how seriously Canadians are taking this. So, against my better judgement, here's a timeline to explain why we're here, and why we're angry.
Nov 30th, 2018 - The United States, Canada and Mexico finalize a trade agreement. Trump personally negotiates the terms and signs the document, celebrating it as 'the greatest trade agreement in history". (This is important.)
Nov 29th, 2024 - In a face to face meeting, Trump threatens the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, that he will be imposing 25% tariffs and that if Canada wants to avoid that, it should join the US as a state.
Nov 30th, 2024 - Trump publicly calls our Prime Minister 'Governor Trudeau' and instructs his staff to only address him as Governor going forward. He again suggests Canada should join the USA.
Dec 3rd, 2024 - Trump remarks that he would split Canada into two states once annexed.
Dec 10th, 2024 - Trump posts that the majority of Canadians support annexation, despite public polling that only 13% of Canadians would consider the idea.
Dec 18th, 2024 - Trump again falsely states that the majority of Canadians support annexation and that one of his lapdogs, Wayne Gretzky, should have a leadership role in that new scenario.
Jan 7th, 2025 - At a press conference, Trump says that he would use economic force to destroy the Canadian economy to annex it.
Jan 14, 2025 - Trump again claims that most Canadians want to be American, despite new polls showing only 10% of us are open to the idea.
Jan 20th, 2025 - During his inaugural address, Trump says that the U.S. will 'expand its territory' during his second term.
Jan 23rd, 2025 - At the World Economic Forum, Trump says that Canada can avoid tariffs and economic collapse if it joins the US. He says this in front of representatives from most countries in the world.
Jan 24th, 2025 - Trump states publicly that Canada 'will' become a state
Jan 31st, 2025 - Trump announces a 25% tariff on all Canadian imports to begin the next day.
Feb 2nd, 2025 - Trump refers to Canada as its 'Cherished 51st state' and that it should join the US to avoid tariffs.
Feb 3rd, 2025 - A one month delay is agreed upon. Trump, in a conversation with Trudeau states that he doesn't think existing border treaties with Canada are valid, and need to be revised.
Feb 7th, 2025 - In a closed door meeting with his cabinet, Prime Minister Trudeau is recorded, without his knowledge, telling everyone that he believes very strongly that Trump is serious and that he stated his reason for annexation as Canadian resources.
Feb 9th, 2025 - In a Super Bowl pre-game interview, Trump says that he's serious about his threats, calling it a 'viable consideration for expanding US territory'
Feb 10th, 2025 - Trump announces an additional 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada to come into effect March 12th.
Feb 24th, 2025 - Trump publicly remarks that whoever signed the USMCA agreement is an idiot. He was the one that signed it.
March 4th, 5th, and 6th 2025 - Tariffs come into effect. Canada retaliates with it's own tariffs. Tariffs are again postponed until April 1st after a huge market backlash.
March 4th, 2025 - In an address to a joint session of congress, Trump states that the US will own Greenland 'one way or the other'.
March 5th, 2025 - US Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick told Canadian finance minister Dominic LeBlanc that Trump "had come to realize that the relationship between the United States and Canada was governed by a slew of agreements and treaties that were easy to abandon."
March 7th, 2025 - Unconfirmed Memorandum and maps leaked on twitter reveal Trump is allegedly planning to annex the entirety of the great lakes and Southern Ontario, home to 13,491,332 Canadians. This amounts to 35.25% of Canada's total population and includes its largest city, Toronto. This region accounts for 38% of the Canadian economy, and its loss would make Canada's independence functionally impossible.
March 8th, 2025 - Canada's foreign minister warns European allies that their government considers Canada to be under existential threat.
March 9th, 2025 - Mark Carney, the new Canadian Prime Minister, in his acceptance speech, states that Trump is seeking to destroy Canada, and its way of life.
March 11, 2025 - President Trump threatens to “permanently shut down the automobile manufacturing business in Canada” if Canada does not drop a 250% to 390% tariff on U.S. dairy products, which he doesn’t state only kicks in after a certain quantity of tariff-free U.S. dairy enters Canada, a quantity that was originally negotiated and agreed to by Trump during the USMCA in 2018.
In Trump's own words, "The only thing that makes sense is for Canada to become our cherished Fifty First State. This would make all Tariffs, and everything else, totally disappear. Canadians’ taxes will be very substantially reduced, they will be more secure, militarily and otherwise, than ever before, there would no longer be a Northern Border problem, and the greatest and most powerful nation in the World will be bigger, better and stronger than ever — And Canada will be a big part of that. The artificial line of separation drawn many years ago will finally disappear, and we will have the safest and most beautiful Nation anywhere in the World — And your brilliant anthem, “O Canada,” will continue to play, but now representing a GREAT and POWERFUL STATE within the greatest Nation that the World has ever seen!"
March 11th, 2025 PT. II - Peter Navarro, a Senior Advisor for Trump is interviewed by MSNBC. When asked about the tariffs he responds with "Just tamp it down, please, over there, ok? They're throwing down the hockey gloves. Stop that rhetoric...we're not going to tolerate anything but them stopping killing Americans", insinuating that this situation was caused by Canadians killing Americans.
March 11th, 2025 PT III - Trump again publicly muses that Canada, Greenland, and the US should be one country, and questions the validity of the Canadian and American border.
To my American friends, I know most of you are amazing and generous people. You didn't ask for this, and I understand that. I hold no ill will towards you, whatsoever. But I must stress, with as much seriousness as I can, the amount of damage this has done.
We have viewed you as our closest friend and ally for a century. We thought of you as brothers and sisters. We answered the call, again and again, for any support you needed from us. Most of Canadians visit the USA so much that we've seen more of the US than we have the rest of Canada.
American products have been taken off our shelves. Canadians are cancelling travel plans to the US. Photo after photo has been shared on social media of empty flights from Canada to the USA.
This isn't a joke to us. We're not overreacting. We don't think he's just saying this shit to cause chaos or negotiate a deal. We wholeheartedly believe that our closest ally and friend is about to bring violence across our border, economically destroy us, and eliminate our way of life.
The main driver for Canada's creation in 1867 was SPECIFICALLY to not be part of America, and to end America's very public threats and plans to annex our territory.
We're angry. We're really, really fucking angry. Open your eyes to what's happening because we're tired of trying to make you understand why and asking you why it seems like none of you care.
I still hope that there is time to repair this. I still believe that this is the result of one man's plan to burn it all down. But time is running out, and fast.
I made a post a few days ago detailing the events in the last few months between Canada and the USA. American friends of mine seemed completely in the dark about it, so I figured I may as well. I thought 6 people would read it and go on with their lives. I vented my frustration and confusion that it didn't seem like Americans cared about what was happening. I was wrong.
My post has been shared by almost 30,000 people - mostly Americans. I've received HUNDREDS of messages from Americans showing their support. Most had no idea this was happening and said that it wasn't being covered in the news.
I got messages from people telling me that they cried after reading my post because of how much they love Canadians and don't want to see this happen. I got message after message thanking me for my courage in posting it, something I don't think I deserve.
I didn't get a single negative message. Not a single one.
A sincere and heartfelt thank you go out to the thousands of Americans yesterday that restored my faith in humanity and reignited my hope for a better tomorrow. Our Canadian and American grandfathers once stormed the beaches of Normandy, shoulder to shoulder, with that same hope.
Let's make em proud.
Väike ääremärkus: teksti autor ütleb: "I've received HUNDREDS of messages from Americans showing their support. Most had no idea this was happening and said that it wasn't being covered in the news." USA uudistes on Canada teemat kajastatud küll ja veel, nii peavoolumeedias kui mujal.
See on nii haige, mida see tobe vanamees korraldab, et oleme siin abikaasaga mitmeid kordi õhku ahminud ja imestanud, et kuidas nii saab…
Võrdlus kaalikaga on kusjuures minu jaoks uus 😃 siinkandis on teda porgandipeaks mu meelest nimetatud 🤭